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Li Huey | Fashion, Beauty, Travel Content Creator
Adelaide, SA, Australia
I am Li Huey, a passionate influencer with a dedicated following on Instagram. As an influencer, I strive to promote brands that I genuinely believe in and resonate with my aesthetics and ethos.
My content is visually appealing, engaging, and genuinely captures the essence of the brands I collaborate with. I have a substantial number of engaged followers interested in fashion, beauty, skincare, travel, etc., and I have successfully collaborated with brands in the past, creating authentic and impactful content.
2 Instagram Stories
- 2 highlight stories
- Brand can choose any type of content for stories (photo/video)
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
- 1 photo feed post (2-3 pictures)
- Brands may provide criteria for photos
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
- 1 photo feed post (2-3 pictures)
- 1 story (can request story highlight)
- Brands may provide criteria for photos
1 Instagram Reel
- 1 reel post (30 seconds - 2 minutes)
- Brands may provide criteria for photos
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5 Reviews ·

December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.

December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.
What brands have you worked with?
I've worked with numerous brands such as: Rimmel London, Moody Lenses, Kuose, Max Factor, [yellow tail], JSHEALTH, argie, MONTIGO, Banish Skincare, VT Cosmetics, Skin1004, Hada Labo, Lovito, Bio-Essence, Dr Althea, StyleupK, ACELABS, Miguhara, Clinelle, Zalora, agnés b., Aleyole Jewellery, and tons of other small businesses!
Who is your audience?
Wide range of audiences including both female (62%) and male (38%), and a variety of age ranges, 18-24 (48%), 25-30 (32%), 35-44 (10%), others (10%). My audience derives from all over the globe such as Asia, Australia, USA and Europe