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Marie Weidlich | Mum, Entrepreneur, Fashion, Travel and Luxury Lifestyle Curator
London, LND, United Kingdom
Marie is a top UK fashion and business influencer, renowned for her collaborations with numerous global brands within hospitality, fashion, beauty, and lifestyle sectors. As a top contributor on TripAdvisor UK with over 100,000 readers, she has reviewed an astonishing 2,000 hospitality businesses since launching her channel in 2015. Alongside her influential online presence, Marie is a seasoned generalist marketer working in finance, an entrepreneur, and a dedicated mother. Her unique blend of expertise, creative flair, and diverse experiences make her a sought-after voice in the creator industry.
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.
Who is your audience?
@londonfashiontoday appeals to a diverse audience of fashion, food and travel, hospitality professionals and enthusiasts eager to explore London's vibrant fashion and food scene. Featuring emerging designers, street style, and fine dining restaurants, it resonates strongly with Instagram's key demographic of users aged 18-34, who make up the majority of the platform. With nearly equal gender representation, the account provides inspiration and insights for those passionate about staying connected to the latest trends and developments in fashion and lifestyle in London UK.
What brands have you worked with?
Chloe, Chanel, New Balance, & Other Stories, Lee Jeans, Bang & Olufsen, Visa, American Express, Taj Hotels, Radisson, Hilton