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Louise Maher | Hey, I'm Louise! I love music, travel, animals, veganism & nature 😊
Cork, Ireland
On Instagram, I take photos such as selfies & travel photos. I am also vegan so I would love to promote within that industry too. Currently (January 2022), 79.8% of my followers are male & 20.1% are female; 42.7% are between 25-34 years; 21.6% of my followers are in the USA, 18.9% in Ireland, 15.7% in the UK and 5.5% from Canada. My Instagram reaches a lot of accounts; for example, between Nov 7th & December 6th it reached 12.5K accounts.
I have a master’s degree in marketing & work in the industry.
I am interested in promoting brands/products/services/businesses that I believe in & that align with my values.
1 Instagram Story
1 story post & saved into my story album
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
1 permanent post such as a photo/carousel, video or reel.
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.