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Luna Mach | Food, Fashion, Lifestyle Content Creator & Influencer
Calgary, AB, Canada
Hi! My name is Luna Mach, and I'm the content creator behind @LunaMach on Instagram. My page focuses on Food, Fashion, and Lifestyle Content. My audience trusts me when it comes to brand and product recommendations because of my authenticity when it comes to reviews. I get DMs every week asking me what products I use and which brands I recommend. I have over 10K followers and a majority of my audience are from Canada and the USA. My page has an engagement rate of 17%. The average industry engagement rate for accounts with a similar number of followers to my account is 2.5% which means that my page has almost 7x higher engagement rate than the average! Thank you.
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
Originally styled in-feed Instagram Post
Rate dependent on complexity of content
1 Instagram Reel
Rate dependent on whether or not content is to be posted in feed or just to reels as well as the complexity of content and projected editing time
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.