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Leeandra Eseimokumoh | Bold, creator, blending, Afro, hip-hop, lifestyle and storytelling
Bristol, BST, United Kingdom
I am Lyandra a British Nigerian rapper and independent creator, blending, Afro, hip-hop Drill and lifestyle content, my brand, spans, music, fashion, and digital storytelling, rooted in authenticity and bold expression. Through LY media Limited, I’m building a community around my arts, inspiring others to own their creativity, unapologetically.
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.
Who is your audience?
My audience is aged 24 to 44,60% men and 40% women, primarily from the UKUS Europe and Africa, that are culturally curious and drawn to music, fashion beauty and authentic lifestyle content as a musician. I have a loyal following that are interested in what I do, and want to know what influences me.
What brands have you worked with?
I’ve had the opportunity to collaborate with several brands, including promoting Chloe Panter’s Untapped Magic, Paul Moore Barber’s cologne, Revival Skincare’s face mask, Nubian Skin’s lingerie, Sorsa A fitness attire, and Kiwi fitness app memberships to name a few. I’ve also worked with various restaurants, makeup brands, and apparel brands, some of which I showcase in my freestyle and music videos.