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Rayyona Solikhova | Beauty content creator
Philadelphia, PA, United States
I am a lifestyle content creator focusing on young moms, beauty, and travel. My content reflects my life as a mom on maternity leave, with a relatable and aspirational tone aimed at other stay-at-home moms. I share creative, high-quality visuals primarily on Instagram and TikTok.
5 Instagram Photo Feed Posts
9 Instagram Stories
2 Instagram Reels (5 Minutes)
7 TikTok Stories
2 TikTok Videos (3 Seconds)
1 TikTok Live (100 Seconds)
5 UGC Product Videos (100 Seconds)
1 UGC Video Ad (120 Seconds)
10 UGC Product Photos
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5 Reviews ·

December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.
Who is your audience?
My audience consists primarily of stay-at-home moms and young mothers who are looking for inspiration, tips, and ideas to enhance their lives. They are interested in relatable motherhood experiences, beauty routines, and travel adventures, as well as ways to earn money from home while balancing family life. My content resonates with women who value creativity, practicality, and a touch of aspiration in their daily lives.
What brands have you worked with?
I’m just starting my journey as a content creator, so I haven’t worked with brands yet. However, I’m eager to collaborate with brands that align with my focus on motherhood, beauty, travel, and lifestyle. My goal is to create high-quality, engaging content that resonates with both my audience and the brands I partner with.