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Mariko Izumi | Motherhood, Fishing, Travel and Mountain Living. TV host and Producer.
Vancouver, BC, Canada
My name is Mariko Izumi and I am a TV host and Producer. I hosted two travel/fishing tv shows (one of those with my two young children as hosts as well), spanning 8 seasons, filmed around the world and airing in Canada and the US. I am known for all content related to Motherhood; Family Travel; Outdoor Lifestyle; Adventure; Small Business features and Sport Fishing. My demographic is wide ranging from women in their twenties, thirties and forties to men 20 and up.
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
Product or Service ALWAYS featured in the most authentic way as it relates to my brand and lifestyle so that my followers truly watch/listen/engage.
3 Instagram Stories
1 Instagram Reel (1 Minute)
Product or Service ALWAYS featured in the most authentic way as it relates to my brand and lifestyle so that my followers truly watch/listen/engage.
1 UGC Product Photo
1 UGC Product Video (1 Minute)
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5 Reviews ·

December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.
Who is your audience?
Moms and dads who are interested in keeping a rich life through travel, outdoor and adventure - with their kids along for the ride.
What brands have you worked with?
Nobis Outerwear, Columbia Sportswear, Onnit, Yeti.