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Melissa Gallagher | Lifestyle Content Creator
New York, NY, United States
Hi everyone! I create all types of content and live in NYC. I also travel as well. I'm a blog creator and post outfit ideas as well. I like to be down to Earth with my followers and share things I am succeeding and also struggling with hoping to motivate everyone to grow. I want to show everyone who I truly am - a 19 year old nursing student who lives on her own in NYC while working to provide for herself. I want to show people that even though there will be struggles in life, one can still thrive!!!
1 Instagram Story
- Photo of me using product
- Comes with description/recommendation of product
- Tagging your account on IG story
2 Instagram Photo Feed Posts
- 2 photos of your product according to my style.
- Comes with a little description about your product in the caption
- Tagging your a…See More
1 Instagram Reel
- Reel video of me opening products/using products
- Comes with more detailed description/recommendation of product
- Tagging your accou…See More
1 TikTok Video (30 Seconds)
- 15 to 30 second Tiktok post using, wearing, promoting product with trendy audio/following current Tiktok trends
- Adding description/re…See More
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.