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Meyra Kaplan | Fashion, makeup, hair, design, fitness, work, travel, lifestyle
Stockholm, AB, Sweden
I’m Meyra Kaplan, people call me Denizkizi that means mermaid in Turkish. I like to share my life without any filters. I want people to appreciate the standard and normal lifestyle people actually have💜
4 TikTok Videos (2 Minutes)
Doesn’t matter can be hair products, clothes, accessories, makeup, fashion, jewellery, cosmetics, clinic equipment and a coupon code I can give to my…See More
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.
Who is your audience?
It depends on what I want to publish. I have younger teenagers, I have adults, parent and some of them are also older. Many young children and teenagers and young adults watch me very much. And it’s a mix of the genders both genders are watching me.
What brands have you worked with?
I’ve worked with a lot of brands. So many brands so it’s totally impossible to write down every brand. I’ve worked with SHEIN, Temu, Zaful, My Clinic, bubbleroom, Philips, Bunny Blow-out Hair, Notorious INK, Optimalprint, Madlady, CrownStudent, XLashcosmetics, inkbox, Geselle, Dreamroomcph, light in the , Amazon, Feminina of Sweden, GHD hair. And more