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Michael Johansson | Travel Photographer Influencer
Calgary, AB, Canada
I have 10 years experience as a travel content creator and photographer. I’ve travelled over 61 countries and seek out the highest level of adventures! I've worked with multiple travel and adventure brands including the following: Ten Tree, Road Surfer Vans, LSKD, Forsake Hiking Boots, Built Bar, Duer, Bag Smart, and more!
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.
Who is your audience?
My audience is those who love to explore and see the world! From hiking epic mountains, to exploring the ancient history of old civilizations, to enjoy tradition cuisines. I want to influence people to go on adventures, see the world, and get out of your comfort zone!
What brands have you worked with?
Ten Tree, Road Surfer, LSKD, Bag Smart, Built Bar, Duer Clothing, Forsake Boots, Rainbow Helicopters, FlyNYON