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Jeni Hunniecutt | Pet Content Creator
Bristol, VA, United States
Moon and Astroid are a twin cat and dog. Moon is a 3 year old male Tuxedo cat and Astroid is a 2 year old female mixed breed dog (dominant breed is Blue Heeler). This catdog has the same markings, making them twins! They grew up together and are best friends: playing together, causing mischief together, and even snuggle together on the regular! They are unique and adorable on camera, shining with both their looks and mannerisms. We live in the Appalachia countryside, so the aesthetic in our videos is always gorgeous. We love to review pet products, create UGC, and generally create content that engages our audience, which encompasses all pet lovers, but especially those who love cats and dogs!
1 TikTok Video (1 Minute)
3 TikTok Stories
1 TikTok Live (15 Minutes)
1 UGC Video Ad (1 Minute)
4 UGC Product Photos
3 UGC Product Videos (1 Minute)
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December 2023
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December 2023
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