Promote with Marie-Michele Doucet | Instagram Influencer | Collabstr
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Photo of Marie-Michele Doucet
Photo of Marie-Michele Doucet
Photo of Marie-Michele Doucet
Photo of Marie-Michele Doucet
Photo of Marie-Michele Doucet Photo of Marie-Michele Doucet Photo of Marie-Michele Doucet
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Photo of Marie-Michele Doucet

Marie-Michele Doucet | travel and nature photographer

Kingston, ON, Canada
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Hi! I'm Marie. "M sur la route" means "M on the road" in French. Why a French name? Because I am a French-Canadian now living in Kingston, Ontario. I like to see myself as a weekend adventurer. As soon as the weekend comes I'm am off hiking or on a roadtrip; life is too short and there is too much to see to be sitting around! I am as happy exploring the beautiful nature across Ontario, riding a camel in Morocco, or trekking across Vietnam! I created "Msurlaroute" as a way to share my photography but it has since evolved into wonderful community of outdoor lovers and fellow adventurers.
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1 Instagram Story
A 15 second story talking about a product or a destination with a tag to the brand's instagram account.
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1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
Static post which features the product or destination. All photo are taking outdoors in a nature setting. The brand would be tagged.
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1 Instagram Reel (15 Seconds)
A 7 to 15 seconds reel in which I showcase the product or the destination. The reels will have a voiceover in which I describe my experience with the…See More
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Marie-Michele Doucet's portfolio content
Marie-Michele Doucet's portfolio content
Marie-Michele Doucet's portfolio content
5 Reviews  ·  4.9
December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.