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Musesmodernes | Miami Photography & Models
Miami, FL, United States
We are a group of girlfriends who enjoy creating the best scenery for showcasing your products and will supply you with pictures/videos that elevate your brand. We take advantage of the forever sexy, fun, and sunny Miami vibe that we ensure to showcase in our content.
1 UGC Product Video (10 Seconds)
1 UGC Unboxing (30 Seconds)
5 UGC Product Photos
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5 Reviews ·

December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.

December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.
Who is your audience?
Brands need photos of their products being used. We take advantage of the forever sexy, fun, and sunny Miami vibe that we ensure to showcase in our content. Beach, skyscrapers, yachts, luxury cars.
What brands have you worked with?
Jimmy Swim, Vivelo, ROC