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Naomi Ezeh | Digital Creator & Youtuber
Nottingham, NTT, United Kingdom
My name is Naomi Ezeh and I am a content creator. I focus mostly on Fashion, Beauty and Lifestyle related content. Over 50% of my followers are between the ages of 18-24.and based in the Uk & US. I enjoy creating new content and trying out different things. Over a year I have been able to build up a good following and engagement rate which helps me to promote brands and also boost their sales.
1 Instagram Story
A story showing the product and tagging the brand
1 Instagram Reel
A video showing the brands product and effectively showing the aim of the product.
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
This would be a post showing on my main feed of the product sent by the brand and a caption that is well suited, brand will be tagged as well.
1 YouTube Video
This would usually be in a vlog or for instance if it is a beauty product I can include it into my routine so this is different from a dedicated vide…See More
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.