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Nessa Dalton | Lifestyle, Fashion & Beauty Content Creator
Boston, MA, United States
Boston-based creator who focuses on her latest shopping finds. Shows fashion, beauty, and jewelry related products. As well as focusing on her graphic design career, her new house, and navigating life like everyone else! Demographics: 95% female and 5% for gender and ages 18-35. Focus on TikTok and Instagram Story/Reel content for growth.
1 Instagram Story
One story promoting the product/service — will tag your socials and can use whatever hashtags you want!
1 TikTok Video
One TikTok unboxing/promoting the product/service — will tag your socials and can use whatever hashtags you want!
5 UGC Product Photos
If your product is relevant to my brand and my audience, in exchange for a free product and price, I will take 5 photos using and showcasing your pro…See More
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.