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Nick Deangelis | Esports Psychology Coach, Content Creator, Storyteller
Boston, MA, United States
I am a USPTA certified tennis pro & sports psychology coach - turned esports coach after 2020. I create educational/entertaining content in the esports space.
I am also director of sales/social media marketing for an esports tech company and produce engaging paid ads/organic content. I previously worked in social media brand activations and facilitated $100,000’s in social media brand sponsorships with some of the largest twitch streamers and for brands like Capital One, Boys and Girls clubs and more.
My background in performance psychology, writing, and sales/marketing allow me to create incredible unique and engaging UGC that converts incredibly well. I’m also kinda funny so that helps.
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.
Who is your audience?
My main channel is esports, my UGC channel is lifestyle and mental health
What brands have you worked with?
In my social media marketing/sales work I have worked with Capital One, Lenovo, Asus and NRG