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Raj Reacts And Reviews | Reaction Content Creator, Review Content Creator
Bangalore, KA, India
I am Nikhil Raj, and I make content around the Entertainment industry, I react to videos of movies, series and other entertainment videos, I also give Anime, Movie, and Book reviews on my channel.
My audience is mostly interested in Anime and Movies. Most of my views are from Reaction Videos, but a few Review videos also attract a small audience. I upload my content to a YouTube channel that has around 1200+ subscribers.
1 Instagram Story
I will be talking about your product in my Instagram story while providing your brand link in the story.
1 Instagram Live (30 Minutes)
I will go live in my Insta account promoting your brand while having a fun interaction with the audience regarding the brand.
1 YouTube Video (6 Minutes)
I will make a detailed video of your Product or the goods you need to promote, react to your promotion videos, and have fun commenting on them.
2 YouTube Shorts (60 Seconds)
With my package of YouTube Shorts, brands can expect a dynamic promotional experience that enhances visibility and engages their target audience. Eac…See More
3 YouTube Videos (60 Seconds)
This will just be a brand integration in my videos, where I will talk about your brand discography or product for 60 seconds in my three videos.
1 YouTube Video (10 Minutes)
I will make a scripted video based on your product or content, the video will contain your brand product and will solely promote only your promote yo…See More
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5 Reviews ·

December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.

December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.
Who is your audience?
My audience base comes mostly from Movie related Reactions and reviews but I also attract audience from my Book Reviews and Anime reviews
What brands have you worked with?
I am a Marketing Manager of a publishing company named Cosmics Entertainment, so I have great experience working with brands or companies.