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Shanelle Charles | Travel and Wellness Content Creator (Trainee Pilates Instructor)
London, LND, United Kingdom
I create engaging ‘come with me’ style videos, showcasing hotels, events, and experiences✨.
I also create content highlighting fitness studio amenities, offering a sneak peek into wellness spaces💪🏾.
My holiday vlogs showcase various restaurants, venues, and attractions, providing an authentic look at my travel experiences✈️.
Additionally, I collaborate with product-based brands, including clothing brands, eyewear, and more, to showcase their products in a natural, relatable way🎀.
Overall, I specialize in producing high-quality content centered around wellness, fitness, and luxury travel☺️.
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.
Who is your audience?
My audience is primarily 18-34-year-olds, with an even split between male and female.
They are passionate about fitness, wellness, and luxury lifestyles, and are drawn to content related to gym & exercise, fashion, beauty and high-end travel.
They seek inspiration for self-care, personal growth, and a balanced lifestyle.
What brands have you worked with?
Portes Lithos Hotel, Greece (Hotel stay Collab)
Aura Skypool, Dubai (Access to fitness class & Pool area)
Bodify, Dubai (Fitness class)
Palace Pole Studio, Crystal Palace (Dance studio Collab)
Everybody Reformer, Croydon (Pilates studio Collab)