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Paige Wilson | Hi! Im paige. I have a lot of spare time and want to use it creatively:)
Burley, ID, United States
Im paige. And I love all things self care and beauty. I’m living the RV life right now so I also would love to do day in the life things and what not. But I’m actually a cosmetologist therefore more interested in cosmetics and self care. My audience should welcome anybody who enjoys it or wants to watch. I love my 3 year old sheepadoodle Ogie and mostly dogs in general. I’m have a highly creative and busy mind. I currently do not have a vocation so the time I have is tremendous. Hopefully this helps submerge me into something that can keep me busy.
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
A photo of myself and the product with it on or having used it. Along with a detailed caption review.
1 Instagram Reel (3 Minutes)
A detailed video of me using or describing how I used the product. Letting the public know why I like it where to get it etc.
1 Instagram Story
A photo or video of me hyping up the product. Sharing it with my followers friends and family. Sharing a link to the product or site etc.
1 TikTok Video (2 Minutes)
A detailed video talking about the product. Talking and showing the public what it does how it’s used what I use it for. And definitely talking about…See More
1 TikTok Story
Picture or video hyping up a brand or product. Letting people know where to get it or look at the brands other products.
1 TikTok Live (10 Minutes)
I will open up a Q&A about the brand or product. Allow the viewers to comment on the live share my thought and opinions on what I received etc.
1 UGC Product Video (2 Minutes)
1 UGC Product Photo
1 UGC Video Ad (3 Minutes)
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.