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Safa Shax | 300,000+ yearly views on pinterest
New York, NY, United States
Safa Shax is a rising star in the music industry known for her innovative and genre-blending approach. Her key achievements include:
Albums and Releases: Safa Shax released two albums, Escape and Blood Games, which gained significant attention for their unique themes and emotional depth. Escape is scheduled for release on October 28, 2024.
Creative Marketing: She has leveraged social media to promote her work, including the use of AI-generated images and themed fan art to connect with her audience.
Viral Popularity: Safa's music and social media activity have spurred viral moments, earning her millions of searches and a significant fanbase. Her track "Therapy" has resonated deeply with listeners, and previews of "Always On My Mind" have sparked anticipation.
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December 2023
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December 2023
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Who is your audience?
people who love food, travel, fashion and beauty and my audience is 90% white female.