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Jake Doggett | DIY & Adventure Content Creator
Boston, MA, United States
Jake is a visionary content creator based in Boston, MA, who specializes in transforming the mundane into the extraordinary. With a passion for repurposing old, ordinary items, he has gained recognition for his innovative projects, including the remarkable conversion of a rusty scrapyard truck into an epic adventure machine designed for cross-country exploration.
Known for his unique approach and out-of-the-box thinking, Jake continually inspires his audience to see potential in the overlooked and forgotten. Through engaging storytelling and captivating visuals, he invites viewers on a journey of creativity and discovery, proving that with a little imagination, anything can become a masterpiece.
3 Instagram Stories
Product featured in three (3) dedicated Instagram Stories (photos and/or videos).
Courtesy: Stories will also be posted to Facebook.
1 Instagram Reel
Product featured in one (1) 60-90 second Instagram Reel.
Courtesy: Two (2) Instagram Stories included. Reel and Stories will also be posted to Fac…See More
1 YouTube Short
Product featured in one (1) 30-60 second YouTube Short.
1 YouTube Video
Product featured in one (1) long-form YouTube video for a minimum of 60 seconds.
Courtesy: One (1) YouTube Short (30-60 seconds) included.
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5 Reviews ·

December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.

December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.
Who is your audience?
Jake's audience is comprised of 1.5M followers across platforms. Approximately 65% of followers are between 18-34 years old, 81% male, and 60% reside in the United States. Jake's captivating content boasts an average engagement rate of 6.3%