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Sarah Schreck | Arts Marketer, Yoga Teacher, and Lifestyle Junkie
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
I keep things close to reality on social media. I share content about my life, trying to integrate lessons I learn as a yoga teacher, rock climber, marketer, and adventurer. My content leans into health and wellness, and while I tend not to monetize much content, I try to build deep and meaningful connections with my followers.
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
If we match well, your product or service can be featured in a post on my main feed, plus tags and collaborator status if desired.
3 Instagram Stories
I tend to get around 200 story views. Happy to tag you and add a link to your resource, so long as it's valuable to my followers. For $50, I will fea…See More
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.