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Shedrack Anderson | Celebrity Talent that is authentic and connects with consumers
Dallas, TX, United States
Shedrack Anderson III is an African American actor, dancer, singer, entrepreneur, writer/directors. He got his big break as a lost boy in the Steven Spielberg film "Hook", he then starred in the NBC hit teen series Just Deal as the lovable Jermaine Green. He then became known to a world wide audience with the success of The Fox production Fat Albert. He starred as Tommy in Lifetime's Emmy Nominated Gracie's Choice alongside Kristen Bell, Diane Ladd and Anne Heche. Since then he has starred in over 18 films including Warriors of Virtue 2, Stompin' and has guest starred on many television series including Boston Public, The Parkers, Hollywood Lives, Hip Hop Massive and The Division to name a few. Anderson was a recurring star on Disney's hit show Phil of the Future.
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.
Who is your audience?
18-65 wide range. Younger generation know me from Fat Albert, older generation knows me from just deal, hook and other tv and film
What brands have you worked with?
McDonald’s, apple, google, Chilyo, among many others