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Steegs | Comedy
Miami Beach, FL, United States
My name is Keegan and I do comedy skits and vlogs. My following is mainly a mature audience of over 18. I currently do videos where I have these characters which have outrageous things happen to them and in the mix I throw relatable scenarios so it makes it more personal and funnier for my audience. Currently the series gets an average rate of 800K views/video. I'm positive, focused and driven. Love collaborating with companies that want to build a relationship and loyalty. Let's work together!
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
You will get one Instagram feed post with a tag in the caption to link followers to your companies Instagram page.
1 TikTok Video
The buyer will be receiving a comedy video of my usual content where I subtly incorporate the brand into the video for brand awareness or to sell the…See More
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.