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Sumner Russ | Lifestyle Influencer
Shallotte, NC, United States
I am 24 years young and have wanted to do social media for as long as I can remember. I wasn't allowed to have social media growing up but I always knew deep down that I was going to make a career out of it. TikTok is my favorite platform because I am able to show my interests and be my goofy self while showing off new clothing, new makeup, new skin care, new hobbies, etc. You get it..pretty much everything. I have a desire to grow my instagram account as soon as I can figure out how to pose, haha!
1 Instagram Story
1 story post, 1 photo uploaded
1 TikTok Video (180 Seconds)
1 TikTok video, 1-3 minutes long of me wearing/using the products.
3 TikTok Videos (180 Seconds)
3 TikToks, 1-3 minutes long of me wearing/using the products.
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5 Reviews ·

December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.