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Tehmur Mohammad | Comedy and Entertainment TikTok Creator
Burton on Trent, DBY, United Kingdom
I am a Social Media Influencer with over 300,000 followers, 22+ million likes and over 270 million views in my own hashtag #tehmurian.
I make all kind of videos mostly fun and comedy. I have audience from worldwide including UK, USA, Canada, Europe, Asia and Africa. I have so far collaborated with over 70 brands and looking to continue collaborating with more.
1 TikTok Video (30 Seconds)
1 x permanent 15-30 sec TikTok video promoting your brand/service. Permanent video means more audience reach in long terms.
2 TikTok Videos
2 x permanent 15-30 sec TikTok video promoting your brand/service. Permanent video means more audience reach in long terms.
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.