
Nik Lr | Technology, vlog, automotive content creator
Como, Italy
Hey everyone! I'm Nikolas La Rocca, and this is The Unboxr, the YouTube channel where technology comes to life!
What can you expect from my channel? Well, a bit of everything! I unbox the latest smartphones with a keen eye for detail, put them through their paces with in-depth reviews, and compare different models to help you choose the perfect device. I also explore a world of innovative and surprising gadgets, from drones to smart home devices. Every now and then, I like to share some personal experiences too, taking you with me around the world or showing you behind the scenes of the channel
1 Instagram Story
1 Instagram Reel (75 Seconds)
Unboxing and review, dinamic video and cinematic
1 YouTube Video
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.