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Julie Proërer | Instagram content creator
London, LND, United Kingdom
I'm a lifestyle content creator, who loves spooky and magical stuff. You can find me on Instagram on my account @thewitchybadger that gathered over 18k in 4 years. I have an international audience reach in multiple languages such as French and English. I also started on TikTok. I report/review/post about items or events, or even just simple things in life, like a coffee, a nice shopping place or my "mug of the day" in my stories. I enjoy setting up my background before I take a picture to make it "esthetic" in a way to highlight the main subject.
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
1 "unboxing" story + 1 aesthetic picture on my feed, brands will be getting visibility and potential customers.
4 Instagram Photo Feed Posts
4 posts a month, brands will be getting visibility and potential customers.
10 Instagram Photo Feed Posts
8 Instagram Photo Feed Posts
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.