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Ikram Abdullahi | Lifestyle, Makeup, Vlogs, Fashion
Vancouver, BC, Canada
My name is Ikram but I go by Thiccyikky on tiktok. In my real daily life, I’m someone who’s absolutely not perfect and has her ups and downs but I make the most of my days and make sure to have fun; that’s also who I am online. I show my ups and downs, my hobbies, and my day to day activities which include many different things. My main focus is just being myself and having fun on a platform where I don’t feel limited. That’s why I post my cooking, outfits, makeup, shopping hauls, story-times, etc. To sum things up I love who I am and I hope you do too.
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
A picture taken with the product along with text talking about the products benefits and my experience with it.
1 TikTok Video (60 Seconds)
A fun 30sec-1min tiktok video using the product and talking about its benefits. Fun an energetic.
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.