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Sue Liedke | Vintage and retro interiors and housewares
Philadelphia, PA, United States
Vintage afficiando in Philadelphia showcasing time capsule homes, food and drink styled with mid century bar and kitchenware, and retro leaning home wares.
Additionally I curate a number of in person events (parties, themed photo opps, community events), and occasionally work with good and bev sponsors to share with my followers!
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
A still post of your product, featuring 3 or more photos in a carousel. Images will be of your, product styled in my colorful, retro, home (or other …See More
1 Instagram Reel (30 Seconds)
A short video featuring your product styled in my vintage home (or on location if it makes sense!)
Your IG tag in both the reel and caption.
3 Instagram Stories
Set of 3 IG stories posted in a 24 hour window, featuring your product styled in my vintage home or on location, with tags clearing directing followe…See More
3 UGC Product Photos
Well lit and edited photos styled with a vintage aesthetic.
1 UGC Product Video (30 Seconds)
Video featuring your product.
1 UGC Video Ad (30 Seconds)
Authentic review video, using name of product and company.
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5 Reviews ·

December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.

December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.
Who is your audience?
First time home buyers, home decorators inspired by vintage interiors, people who enjoy retro style and urban life!
What brands have you worked with?
Bando, Nuloom, Bri Marie’s Gourmet Popcorn, Tru-Tone Bulbs