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Vasilis Parotidis | Model, Lifestyle Influencer, Content Creator
Athens, Greece
I am a fashion model and most of my pictures are model or influential material.Except from modelling I am a public figure in Greece and I recently took place in a Greek tv fashion/ reality show (Greece’s Next top Model 4). My Instagram page is about my life. I am posting and promoting how I live, what makes me happy and products that I use in my daily routine. I want to show to my followers that everything I promote, I promote it because first of all I use it and I like it. I don’t see it as a job, I see it as pleasure and entertainment (of course in a professional way). Always glad to try new things and experiment. I like meeting new people and make successful collaborations. Really picky with the people that I work with though.
1 Instagram Story
1 Instagram story Video with a “scenario” by me about the product and me using it. Of course it goes with the requested tags and hashtags or the loca…See More
2 Instagram Stories
2 Instagram stories (pictures) with tags/hashtags/ location.
1 Instagram Reel
An IGTV Video with me using and talking about the product. Scenario by me. The video will stay uploaded for 8 days. Hashtags/Tags/Location included.
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December 2023
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December 2023
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