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Warda El Azzouzi | Fashion, beauty and model content creator y studyng marketing
Madrid, Spain
Im a content creator focused In all that things i really love and I enjoy sharing everything i do, i know and i would like to do In the future being an inspirational girl for all my followers. Im a beauty , fashion, travel , model, food & health passionate and I’m everyday learning new things about them so I can share the information as well. I’m interested to become a such good content creator just level up , collaborating with a good Brands and make a interesting and amazing things together , I have my own camera with wich I take my own pictures and also I’m a makeup artist , hairstylist so basically I’m my personal stylist from head to feet. I’m ready to impress the social media with my new content and I’m sure they gonna like it 😊
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December 2023
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December 2023
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