Promote with Yadley Joseph | Instagram Influencer | Collabstr
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Photo of Yadley Joseph
Photo of Yadley Joseph
Photo of Yadley Joseph

Yadley Joseph | Lifestyles, fashion and beauty content creator

New York, NY, United States
Instagram logo 0.0k Followers
TikTok logo 0.0k Followers
My name is Yadley and i am a 23 year old content creator from New York who love everything to do with fashion, beauty and self care. My Instagram handle is Yadleyyy, I’m a very open and authentic with my followers. One my favorite things to do is sharing my day to day life. I offer Instagram story, post and reels for all of my content. And I do create all of my content myself and provide an authentic and fashion forward approach. I look forward to hearing from you!!
How Collabstr worksHow does it work?
Instagram Story
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1 Instagram Reel
Brand will receive 1 Instagram Reel featuring your product, making it fun and speaking about it. Will tag your page and put a description if needed.
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1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
Will create a Instagram post capturing your product and speaking about the product in the caption along with tagging the company in the post. Content…See More
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.