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Yolibeth Villalobos | Beauty and fashion content creator ✨
New York, NY, United States
My name is yolibeth and I’m a very sweet friendly person. i have a silly sense of humor and super shy but once I open up to you, I’m very comfortable around and less awkward lol. i usually post more beauty uploads as I love working with makeup, hair and lashes but I do also upload fashion outfits other times as well. My content in the past has been very on and off going with my consistency routine. it would vary on different times and days. as of now starting this year one of my main goals is to be a lot more persistent and consistent with my uploading content and grow! 🥰🤍
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
within the beauty package, it will have makeup, face angles, hair, lashes, lips, close-ups (if required) and posts needed 1-2
2 Instagram Photo Feed Posts
in the fashion packaging will be getting different angles exposure of the outfits shown, poses, shoes, accessories, and number of posts 2-3
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December 2023
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December 2023
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