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Zaakirah Akhalwaya | Creative mind, adventurous soul creating content from her view
Johannesburg, GT, South Africa
Creativity is my fuel, I take great joy in learning new things and experimenting with different possibilities, i love exploring and shifting pass that confort zone which is what lead me to be able to accomplish so many different things
Diploma in photography
Advance photography and artificial light
Food & Product Photographer
Graphic design student
Currently learning my 5th language
Phd in Islamic theology
First Aider
Certified Scuba Diver
Learning everything that comes my way
I love all things art and DIY , basically i love taking nothing and making it into something. That creativity and thrill of a finished product, which someone else might not have ever imagined, is what drives me to create another. I love nature and night skies. Probably wil do anything to get the shot
1 UGC Product Video (30 Seconds)
I high quality video perfectly relaying the product with in the appropriate setting/flatlay of lifestyle shot making it seem natural and necessary to…See More
3 UGC Product Photos
3 high quality image perfectly relaying the product with in the appropriate setting/flatlay of lifestyle shot making it seem natural and necessary to…See More
1 UGC Video Ad (15 Seconds)
Professional style video in a product style setup , closeups and extremely high quality.
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5 Reviews ·

December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.
Who is your audience?
women aged between 18 to 40 is my main following . I often put out content of luxury and travel which they tend to enjoy a lot
What brands have you worked with?
i have worked with many food brands in photography but home based industries, nothing big. Such as @krea_sa @betul_fit . I have done content for them as well. I have created content for brand called @amaani and @fleurdelvieza