
Mel | Creative Director, Model, & Performer
Memphis, TN, United States
Hi, I'm Mel! I'm a non-binary Creative Director that produces content for more than 1 Million followers on TikTok and 100k followers on Instagram. I make empowering, inclusive videos for everyone with an emphasis on gender neutral fashion and LGBTQ+ lifestyle. I have worked with brands such as Victoria's Secret, Fox Entertainment, Peanut Butter Collection, Solgaard, Chooka, Lifewear Technologies, Evercare, and more.
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My goal is to build partnerships with brands that share the same objective: Promoting diversity by giving more LGBTQ+ and non-binary representation in mainstream media.
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.