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Greta Agee | Fashion and Lifestyle College Creator
Altoona, PA, United States
Hi! My name is Greta Agee and I am a Public Relations major at Penn State! I am very passionate when it comes to fashion and social media. Not only do I do shopping hauls, but I shop frequently at thrift stores and do DIYs as well. I would describe my content as inspirational, relatable to college life, and fun!
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
I will take high quality photos of or with products and post them with a caption explaining the products.
1 Instagram Reel (60 Seconds)
I will create a 30-60 second Instagram Reel post talking about your products and how they work.
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 170,000 across the globe.