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Christina | Crochet Content Creator, Vintage Lover, and Sustainability Advocate
Manassas, VA, United States
I make videos that showcase my crochet makes alongside joking around about the trials and tribulations that come with the crafts and teaching different skills, tips, tricks also associated with the craft. On top of that I design crochet patterns that are vintage inspired, size-inclusive, and gender inclusive. I love sharing the things I craft, especially what I Crochet.
1 Instagram Story
I briefly Mention the product in my Instagram stories for a slide.
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
I make a sponsored post in which I directly mention and talk about the product
1 TikTok Video
Using the sound/music you provide for a "crochet with me" video
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.