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Olivia Baxter | Lifestyle and Fashion Content Creator
Dallas, TX, United States
Olivia is a 22-year-old creator based in Dallas, Texas who focuses primarily on fashion and lifestyle content. Her two main accounts are on Instagram and TikTok where she creates content that aligns with both of her niches. While this creator is still considered a small creator of her social media platforms, she sees this as a positive thing rather than a negative! Due to the smaller community of followers, this creator is able to be more personable and relatable which could lead followers to feel more inclined to listen to brand suggestions and lean into her influence!
1 Instagram Story
A series or a single post on my Instagram story reviewing or promoting a brand/product
1 Instagram Photo Feed Post
A post on my Instagram feed reviewing or promoting a brand/product
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December 2023
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December 2023
Brand left a 5 star review. Sign up now to unlock real reviews for over 200,000 across the globe.